Wholesale Beer Price Rise Update 2

Wholesale Beer Price Rise Update

Following on from the blog on 1st February HERE regarding brand owner price increases, it looks like Heineken (HUK) blinked and we missed it!!

But we had good cause because curiously not all traders have been informed in writing, one of the UK’s largest independent wholesale distributors we spoke to said they had not seen any letters from HUK to back up the news story.

What we can say is some (but not all) traders have been sent letters informing them of a price increase which is due to take effect from the 5th April.

It seems that as of yet NONE of the other major brand owners have followed suit.

The thing to note with the HUK increase is that the price increase is on draught products ONLY which seems to be penalising on-traders we believe unfairly.

Pubs and clubs have already borne the brunt of the falling sales during this pandemic while in the off-trade sector, including the major supermarket chains, are left untouched……

If this anti-competitive move on pricing between on and off-trade aggrieves you then take a moment to report the issue to the authorities HERE and for any tied publicans you can also report to the pub’s code regulator HERE


If you would like more details on the buying group and or a free strength of case review of your wholesale pricing then please click HERE.


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Keep Checking in!  G.I.F.T. will keep you posted!

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