Lockdown 2
The new regulations have been published and there are specific areas related to activities Pubs can undertake. PAS sought advice from leading barristers to help understand what can be done, the summary can be downloaded here> Lockdown 2 – Pubs If you like what we do please support the service here > https://pubs.expert/about-us/ex-gratia/
Business Plans for Pubs
BUSINESS PLANNING FOR PUBS A guest blog post COMMON MISTAKES AND HOW TO AVOID THEM We can all sit down and come up with some ideas for the ‘Dog and Duck’, no problem! A glass of red wine and the creative juices just flow. That Pubco ‘tied’ pub has been waiting for you to appear […]
Low earnings revealed
BREAKING NEWS: Risk and reward still not being delivered by Government to tenanted publicans. Stonegate / EI Group tells the Fitch rating agency that 83% of its tenants have an expected annual income of under £20k pa whilst making over 4 times that themselves. “according to the rateable value of each pub around […]