Did you request or trigger the MRO option on your agreement?
Were you offered an MRO under the pubs code or were you offered a FOT agreement outside of the code?
When negotiating either the MRO/ Free of Tie, do you believe you were given a rent that rebalanced the risk and reward?
Were you advised at any time that if you challenged or tried to change any proposed deal that your lease deal at expiration would not be renewed, and/ or that the pub site would be taken back for managed?
Did your Pub Company or its agents advise that you had to sign any side letter preventing you from approaching or using The Pub Code Regulation/ The Pub Codes Adjudicator?
Do you feel that when talking to your pub company about a move from being a tied tenant to a free of tie tenant it was an arm's length transaction, or were you under any duress/pressure and or felt you were being left with no option but to take the terms they offered (i.e. see Q5)?